Jai Gurudev!!
As you all must be aware, Gurudev is conducting Athi Rudra homa in the ashram from 19th to 22nd morning.
Morning was Ganapathy and Navagraha homa.
There are 11 kundas and one main big kunda in which Sambasadashiva will be invoked.
Sambasadashiva is Shiva n Shakti together
Water has been brought from 11 different rivers from teertha kshetras.
Almost 3/4th of the ground level of Yagnashala is covered by homa kundas.
300 pandits have come from all over India, Kashi to Rameshwaram!
14641 times rudram will be chanted, it seems!
1331 Maha Rudra 11 times!
It's especially for world peace, they announced.
The Pandit who gave the explanations said, you'll all be flying from tomm, the energy will be so high!!;😍😍😍
Rudra Udharana mandala has been created here, which the Pandits say depicts the dance of Shiva and this is the first time any of them is aware of it being made in recent history!!!
This Athi Rudra is very special as it is happening in Utharayan and also rudra udharana mandala is happening for the first time . It might have happened centuries before.
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